Knitting Again ...

Hello Everyone! Today I have lots of things to share...and pictures! Trying to get back to normal has been difficult. I went through the wringer and I'm just SO tired all the time. I'm sure many of you can understand this if you've been through similar situations. For me, part of the key to getting back to normal was getting back to the needles. And I still, at this time, knit off and on. I'm not the maniac knitter I was before all this happened. But I am knitting and that's the most important part. 

I am back to Monday Stitch Group which is wonderful. I can attend in my jammies if I want to which is awesome. During the summer we sort of collectively decided to meet from 1-4pm in the afternoon rather than the evening. Its been really nice meeting in the afternoons. This past Monday was extra special because a certain important visitor stopped by. Remember this sweater that I made?

Well, SHE arrived! Alia Maria arrived while I was in ICU. As the Fairy Godmother (the family is not religious so rather than refer to me as her Godmother, they refer to me as her Fairy Godmother. And who wouldn't want a Fairy Godmother?) I received her first pictures as I laid in my hospital bed. Every nurse that came in I showed her pictured to, it was wonderful. I was in such pain but had tears of joy running down my cheeks. I was so happy! She weighed in at 5 lbs 11 ozs if I remember correctly. And she is beautiful. And I was worried this damn sweater wouldn't fit. Silly me. She wont even be able to wear it for quite a while. Anyway, on Monday she and Mom and Dad stopped by to see us all. And here is our pic together...

She's holding my hand! Awwwww! She is so precious and I cannot begin to tell you the big space in my heart she now occupies.

So as you may remember, I have been on a bit of baby sweater making kick here for a while. Alia's was the first, this was the second...

Made for a good friend of mine who's son was born a week before Alia. And the third is in process right now for another friend who doesn't knit but wanted to gift something special for a 
 pregnant friend living in India. I signed up for sweater #3 with great smile in my heart. Here is the progress and where I'm at with it at the moment...

And those are the buttons I found on Etsy (you can find the coolest stuff on Etsy!) There are little lotus flowers stamped in green to match the sweater. We wanted to choose a color that would be suitable for a boy or a girl. Living in India the couple is not able to find out the sex of their child. Also, colors are very symbolic in India. Green means new beginnings, nature and happiness. I'm very excited to finish this sweater but naturally its taking longer to do.

I went back to Tuesday Nite Knitting for the first time this week too. It was lovely. Getting back into the yarn shop and seeing my friends again was wonderful. I SHOPPED! THAT was awesome. I found some Malabrigo that I had never seen before and it was gorgeous...

Isn't it beautiful! Blues and teal greens, and rust...its just incredible. I had all the other colorways they had there. What does that tell you. I'm laughing out loud to myself right now just thinking about it. The other thing that I got was a skein of sock yarn from Opal. Now, I have to tell you, I don't normally buy a lot of sock yarn unless its a new color of Berroco Metallic that I don't have. But this skein of Opal...this skein leapt off of the shelf and into my hands and I had to have it. It had to come home with me. No sock yarn has EVER done this before. the closer I looked at the more in love I fell with this sock yarn. First of all the colors were so beautiful...and soft. And then I looked closer at the label....

Opal has put together an entire line of sock yarn in honor of the children's book Le Petit Prince. Love. I fell instantly in love...

Isn't it just beautiful! Several people I was with were upset that this was the only skein left in the entire shop available for purchase. There was nothing I could do. It leapt into my hands. There was absolutely nothing I could do. It was supposed to come with me. So it did. And as soon as I got it home I cast on the socks....

I just love the way its working up, those colors are just awesome. Tuesday was a good day. I got tired easy and we left early but that was expected. Working my way back to normal will take a while and I think we all know this. But I am knitting again and this is a good sign. I'm doing a lot of things that are signs I am getting better. I'm attending my knitting groups, And I'm blogging which makes me happy. I hope every one of you is doing well and knitting away and doing what makes you happy! I'll be back here soon and until then....knit on!


  1. So so so so glad you are finally knitting again and hanging out with your knitting pals!!!!!


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