For Baby Simmons

You all know I'm a junkie for baby stuff. I think I made 5 baby sweaters last year alone. Then there were the matchy matchy sweaters I did for Savannah and Alia, my Fairy Goddaughter. This post just shows the first one done, the next post shows them on the girls the day I gave them to them. Over their Packers Jerseys. I really thought I might see them in them for Christmas or something but alas, I did not. The only pic I have of this girls in them is in this post here. But I digress. I love knitting for babies. You all may remember by dear dear friend Rae Rae that passed away last summer, you can read about her here if you missed that one. At any rate, Rae's niece Vanessa is pregnant with her first baby. I know, without any doubt or question in my mind, that if Rae Rae were alive today she would've asked me to do something really special for this baby. Rae Rae loved Vanessa something fierce. So, I felt very compelled to do some baby knitting for someone I don't really know.

I went with my standard sweater I've been doing for all babies which is the Carina Spencer Small Things Sweater. Its just perfect. Since Vanessa is due, like, next week, I made the 0-3 month size so they can get some immediate wear out of it. Its already starting to get cold here. So, in a slide show, here's the progression of the sweater. Oh, and let me preface this with the fact that they are waiting to find out the sex of the baby. I was told they had some grey in the nursery so I went with a grey yarn and silver buttons. A sort of "Platinum Baby" look, if you will. 

Along with the sweater, this baby had to have a hat too! I went with the 'Stripey Baby Beret' on Ravelry.

 And of course he/she must have socks...

and there you go! This is all wrapped up nicely in pink and blue tissue paper and I'm off to meet them in just 45 minutes. If there are new pictures to add to this post, I'll add them when I get home!

Well, I am home now and I can post this. There aren't any new pics to add but only that they were all so wonderfully touched to receive my gifts. I told them the only request I had was to have a few pictures of the baby in it once Baby Simmons arrives. They all easily agreed.

So tomorrow we are off to Camp STITCHES! I will write about it when the retreat is over. Until the next time....Knit On!


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