My Upcoming Trunk Shows !!!

I cant remember whether or not I had shared with you all in the past that I am going to my 25th High School Reunion. Soon. Like, in 4 days. I am nervous and anxious. I haven't been back to Ohio in 17 years. That's a long time for people and places to change. I am fully prepared not to recognize anything at all. Thank GOD my friend Rob will be there with me along the entire way. 

Rob. Now there's a friend I've had since middle school. One of the best things I ever did in my whole life I did with him. When we were both 24 we came up with this crazy idea that we would save a bunch of money, I would sell my car and we would fit everything else into his car and we'd hit the road and drive cross country. Well, we did it. Best time I've ever had in my whole life. I highly encourage anyone with the time and means to do it. You wouldn't regret it. I cant wait to see the others too; Michelle, Michelle, Julie and Heidi. It will be great fun I'm sure. I have little things planned each day I'm there.

One of the things I have planned while I'm there is a great trunk show of all my work! The yarn store Yarn It & Haberdashery and I coordinated a time that was perfect for both of us. If you are in the Columbus or surrounding areas, please stop in and see me! I will be at the yarn store on Sunday October 4th from noon till 4:00pm. Please view their website for their address and a map if needed. (Heck I know I'll need it the first time I go there!) I was asked to bring all of my work. This, for me, means a second checked bag because there is no other way to get it all there! LOL!

I will be In Ohio until the 8th and when I get home I'll be doing a quick turn around for another trunk show in Santa Fe at Yarn & Coffee on Saturday the 10th. I'm super excited as this is now considered my "home store." 

Coming with me to both trunk shows are the new trio of shawls for Sexy Spines Vol 2! They are done, I just need to finish writing them up. Hopefully I'll get in another post before I leave for Ohio so you can see them all. They will definitely hit Ravelry before I leave. I am super excited about these shawls. These shawls are a bit larger than the ones I've done in the past. They will take anywhere from 1100 - 1300 yds of yarn depending on how loose you knit.

So, if you're in the area for either of my shows, please come out and say hello! Until the next time, Knit On!


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