Hurricane Harvey Help

Good afternoon everyone!

A few days ago I announced on my Facebook pages, both personal and business, as well as Instagram that until a time as I see fit, all proceeds from my pattern sales will be going to help those affected by Hurricane Harvey. 

I have been so touched by what I have seen on TV and social media from all of the Texas areas affected by Hurricane Harvey. I watch and read daily and feel so useless. As many of you know, I have many health problems that prevent me from helping physically. But what I DO have are patterns for sale on Ravelry. 

Until a time as I see fit, I have chosen to donate all the money I receive from my patterns sales to the relief efforts. Its what I CAN do. It may not be much and may not come close to what others are able to raise, but every little bit helps. In my initial post I indicated I would be donating the money to the Red Cross. This is no longer the case. I have been reading about the Red Cross and do not like what I have read. Logistically, the program is a mess. I would like to donate to a group that has hands on the ground. I like the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund. It was created by the mayor of Houston, Texas and is a 501 (c)(3) public charity. I will let you all know where the money goes and when I send it. Stay tuned to either my personal or my business Facebook page for the most updated information. I try to announce information to the groups I belong to on Facebook but sometimes either it is not allowed or it is only allowed on certain days, both of which I completely understand. You can also sign up to follow me here on my blog and you will be notified of any new entries I make. 

To those who have already purchased, THANK YOU. Thank you so much for your generosity in buying so freely. I cannot thank you guys enough. To those of you who have shared my Facebook and Instagram post, THANK YOU! That is really how the words gets around. I appreciate you guys doing it for me. 

Here is the photo I used in my initial post... 

Top Row Left to Right is Tameron, To Whom It May Concern, Grazioso, and The Journeyman Scarf.
Bottom Row Left to Right is Cornwall Coast, Vintage Bordeaux, Crescent & Arch (only available through Knitters Magazine) and Effortless. 

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me directly. You can respond here, I can be reached by email at or can be reached through Facebook Messaging and also Instagram Direct Message. 

Thank you so much everyone. Together we can do amazing things!

Until next time...KNIT ON!!


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