M Is For Melanie ...

In my last post which you all can read here, I showed you the latest knitting Melanie has been up too. Two-sided lace folks! Or, knitted lace as opposed to lace knitting. This lady is on a roll people. 

She first knitted a triangular garter stitch shawl out of Lion's Brand Yarn. Her second shawl was my Effortless pattern which was written about here, with photos on Lucy. She has gravitated, already, to using really good yarns and being very choosy (as we all our) about which colors to use and for which projects. She made a Multnomah Shawl which I blocked but didn't photograph on Lucy. She hasn't entered it into her Ravelry projects either....shame shame. Then, she dove head on into Kirsten Kapur's lovely pattern Unsinkable. The pattern was done in collaboration with Wooly Wonka Yarns commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. Dude, cool project. I have done a collaboration with Wooly Wonka as well but have not enjoyed the success that Kirsten has with every single thing she releases. Kirsten is one of these designers that, no matter what she puts out be it a shawl, mitts, a garment, whatever...people are ALL OVER IT. Yeah, Kirsten Kapur Rocks. I posted the picture I took of Melanie's progress on Kirsten's Facebook page. I felt like a celebrity because she responded! I hope one day in the near future I'll have a chance to meet Kirsten. But I digress. Melanie dove head on into Unsinkable. She even contacted Anne at Wooly Wonka to get some of the same exact yarn that Kirsten used in her sample. Take that! She owned this project from the time she started knitting it. And she had it done in just a few weeks. For us mere mortals that's good timin'.

Melanie came over last Thursday evening, I think it was (the days sometimes run together) for some help. She was done with the lace part and was starting the short rowing to shape the shawl. She wanted to be sure she was doing the wrap and turns correctly. She'd finished the knitted lace edging and was concerned about wrapping and turning? I love Melanie, she cracks me up. She was absolutely doing the right thing...nothing to worry about at all. She is leaving for her old stompin' grounds in New Orleans tomorrow morning and I promised that if she finished in time for me to have an evening to block it, I would make sure she had it for her trip. She's done and it's beautiful! The following are all the pics I took of the process from blocking...

To all the pics I took of her on Lucy...

So Melanie has completed yet another stunning project and she will be able to take it with her to show it off. And rightfully so. Its a beautiful piece by a fantastic designer. Thanks Kirsten for a wonderful piece! Melanie has had such fun with this and she is learning more and more each every time she casts on something new. She is going to make my Cornwall Coast as one of her next projects which I'm excited about. After your Unsinkable, she'll be able to relax a bit on mine!

Its Tuesday and you know what that means?! It Knit Night Out! Hope you all have a wonderful day doing something with sticks and string. I'll see you back here soon....Knit On!


  1. Thank you Claudia for the kind words.... still learning and scared but hanging on with both feet!!!

    1. Melanie, you have nothing to be scared about at all. You are doing wonderful and turning out some truly beautiful stuff! Relax your grip a little, we are all here and we won't let you fall, I promise!


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