Partying Knit Down !
What more could a girl ask for than to spend time with some of her knitterly friends on her Birthday? I had such a wonderful time yesterday. Prior to the beginning of the festivities it was a fairly relaxing day which I really needed. Its been an emotional roller coaster for me lately.
The evening started at a local Italian Eatery where we all met and had dinner which was awesome! After dinner was over we all came back to our house for cake, ice cream and presents and cards and knitting. Everyone was so generous which their love and kindness. Here is a picture of the cards and other stuff I received...
I can break this all down for you. Here is Lori...
Lori is a good friend and a very talented knitter! She gifted me with a knitted little kitty, knowing I had just lost my beloved Kona. Here is the little kitty...
Accompanying this sweet little knitted kitty was a card with a beautiful poem written on the inside...
So sweet I started to cry. Lori is a member of our Monday night Stitch Group and knows just how close I was to my cat Kona. Thank you Lori!
In this next picture from left to right is Frankie, Margaret and Aunt Betty. Betty had already gifted me with a gift certificate to Village Wools with which I went shopping Saturday afternoon. I showed you my loot in my last post, I believe.
Margaret and Frankie went together and got me a skein of Cat Mountain Fiber deliciousness. In each one of these monster skeins is 100 yd each of 8 different kinds of stuff. Here's what it looks like...
Never in my life would I have ever thought to own a skein of this amazing stuff! Thank you Frankie and Margaret!
(Margaret wasn't feeling too well, that and she was in the middle of almost laughing here!)
From Left to right here is Melanie, Dilshani and Kristy.
Here's Melanie and I...
Dilshani is making me something special and it isn't ready yet. I cant wait to see what it is!
and Kristy gave me this....
Its a little box filled with mini skeins of shiny accent yarns! In the bottom of the container were these...
The cutest little stitch markers! I love them!
She also brought along her special camera that takes really cool mini Polaroids! Here is the pic she took of me opening her present...
Thank you Kristy!
Here is Mom, ever so picturesque!
She gave me another gift certificate to Village Wools so I can do even more shopping! Yay! It was a wonderful night spent with friends who are so kind and generous with their love, and support. The best part of the night was watching Dilshani become absolutely mesmerized with Mom's spinning and realizing everything she could do if she were also a spinner! The spend time on the floor going through yarns and batts, and fiber and stuff. It was awesome!
I need to close this quickly so I can finish getting ready for Tuesday Night Knit Night. I just wanted to share this with you guys. I will see you back here soon so until then...Knit On!
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