Evolution To A Knitter ...

Hi Everyone! Hope you are all doing well and knitting away at whatever is on your needles! How come no one tells me what they're working on?! Come on folks! I wanna know!!!! Leave me some comments. If there is a cool pattern you're working on please let me know. Even though I design patterns I love to see new ones!

Today was an interesting day. It started out very early for me. At 6:15 early. I am not an early person at all but I was strangely awake for the appt Mom and I had at 8:30am. I had an appt with a general surgeon this morning for a problematic hernia. I know that I am looking at surgery to fix it. I know that I have a TON of scar tissue from previous surgeries, I know that even laparoscopic surgery is tough on my body but this thing...it must be fixed. Its an incisional hernia at the top of a big scar on my stomach right at the base of my breast bone. You see, I've had a lot of surgeries before. This will be number 17 for me. My last surgery was in April 2012. I have had a lot of health issues in the past and continue to do so now. I just have this...feeling. This feeling that this hernia is larger than what its thought to be. I have had incisional hernia repairs before and in the past that has always been the case. They have always been MUCH larger than originally thought. It is being scheduled as outpatient surgery and if I go home that same day I will be very pleasantly surprised. My surgery is scheduled for May 1st. I am hoping to not lose much time from here or from my knitting ventures. I have too much going on right now. This is the plan. Since May 1st was the original release date for Ferryn, I will release it the evening of the 29th, if all goes well, and everything will be underway for getting kits to people who order them and starting the KAL on Ravelry. This is the plan. But I also understand that plans can and have been known to change so we'll see. I'll keep you all informed if not here, on my Ravelry Group Page. It's easier to toss up an update there than it is here so keep an eye out. 

After the appt and getting scheduled this morning Mom had a nail appt. She dropped me off at Satellite Coffee where I knitted until she was done. After that we headed to Village Wools to pick up the "blending board" for Mom's Spinning Group this afternoon. Her group was working on color blending today and VW let them borrow the blending board for their fun. There was a ton of fiber here for everyone to play with. This is what one of the coffee tables looked like when they were all here today...

When Kate arrived she brought along her completed Cornwall Coast done in Wooly Wonka Nimue sock in the colorway Black Dahlia. I have this particular yarn in my stash and I couldn't wait to see what it was going to look like. I knew the drape would be incredible as my Petit Jardin is done in the same yarn. She allowed me to photograph it on Lucy and she looked gorgeous...

Doesn't it look great!??! I LOVE IT! But then again, I am very partial to this particular pattern. I emailed all the pics I took of it to her so she could have them for her Ravelry page! I need to check back there and she if she loaded them up there yet. As the ladies were here blending their color and spinning up their fiber the doorbell rang. I practically ran to the door because I knew it was for me. It was my new phone. My new, long awaited, highly anticipated phone. The phone I have had for a long time now has not been working well at all...dropping calls and cutting people off because the SIM card has not been working right. It has been replaced 3 or 4 times but as I understand it, this was a manufacturing problem with this particular device. So, I was really looking forward to a new phone. The best part of it so far is that I have set everything up and transferred everything, blah blah blah, all my myself....without David (my ex-husband who works for said phone carrier and has for many many years taken care of all of our phone needs and problems). I am very proud of myself for being able to have done this all on my own. I know it sounds silly but its one of those things. At the same time, getting a new phone means learning and navigating around having a new device. I think I have it down but I spent a better part of this entire afternoon taking care of things with it. Now that its done I can focus on blogging and knitting!

I finished the baby sweater for Stacey in record time. I am going to get it sent out here probably tomorrow. I got it done in four days. FOUR DAYS! Even I am surprised. 2 down, 2 more to go but I have a bit of time on them. Now that this is done I can focus on getting Ferryn finished and released. But for now...pictures! You see, evolution to knitter is a little different. It looks a little something like this...


...and at Satellite Coffee this morning I finished the other sleeve...

...and this afternoon while everyone here was color blending and spinning I put on the 2 buttons I picked out at Village Wools last night and finished it completely!

Oh My God, killing me with cuteness here! Lets get a better look at those buttons...

Aren't they adorable!? I cannot wait to get this in the hands of a dear friend of mine having a baby boy on May 7th. The baby was a surprise and I cannot wait for her to get this one. I know it will be completely unexpected which is what I'm going for! The evolution of this baby sweater was a good one. It took me back to school when I was young and hanging out with Stacey. It had me laughing and smiling all the way through. It had me remembering good times and even some rough ones when we all came together as friends to support each other through hard and difficult times. And now she is bringing another little one into the world that will likely share her crazy, twisted, lovable sense of humor. Stacey is one of those friends that no matter how far apart we may be geographically, the friendship will always be there. We can pick up the phone after not talking for years and we are right back where we left off. So, here's to Stacey and her little one. May you always know how much you are loved, appreciated and how different this world would be without you in it!

Keep knitting my friends, through hard times, difficult times, easy and fun times. Just keep knitting. Knitting will get us through almost anything and everything. I plan to get a lot of it done in the coming days. So, I'll see you all back here soon....until then, Knit On!


  1. I hope everything with your surgery goes well & that you have a fairly quick recovery!

    Also, that sweater is so cute. Love the little buttons :-)

    1. Thank you so much Lalie ! l am addicted to knitting that sweater! Its so super cute and is unisex so its perfect for anyone! 2 down, 2 to go! And there will be pics of those too :-)



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