Second Verse, Same As The First ...

You'll remember when I wrote about making the wee sweater for a loved one that should be arriving any time soon in my post Its The Small Things That Matter, right? This one...

Remember, right? Well...I think I've gotten myself knee deep in baby sweater land and I love it. Two very dear friends of mine will be getting one just like this for their wee ones too! The second one I need to get done quick, snap and in a hurray because the baby is due the same time the one that will fill the above sweater! Stacey, if you read this blog than my cover is blown. But I kinda think maybe you don't, and that's okay. You don't knit and non-knitters usually could care less what knitters are doing. I suppose its a lot like watching paint dry. The 3rd one, I have a little time but is also for someone very special and I don't think she reads my blog either. If you do Heidi, than my cover is also blown with you. But I don't care. The 4th one was a request from a friend of mine who wants to gift something very special but she herself doesn't knit. I have agreed to do it for her. Why? Because I love Jana. Jana is a good person and has always been a good friend to me and a) who wouldn't want to knit another one of these? b) who wouldn't want to gift one of these? and c) who wouldn't want to receive one of these? So as you can see, I'm a little into baby knits at the moment. And I love every single stinkin' second of it. The second one that I need to get movin' on, like, yesterday...the yarn just arrived this afternoon. I opened it when I got back from Santa Fe. Oh yeah, we went to Santa Fe today. More about that later. Anyway, here's the yarn...

Man did I have a time trying to get a decent pic of this color. It was overcast outside when we got home. This shade of blue is so almost has some turquoise in it. I tried my best to capture it and couldn't really. But trust me when I say its a totally awesome color. So I will be starting on this as soon as I am finished with dinner!

Mom has been working to finish her La Fenice Shawl and This Thing Is Huge...

And Audrey loves it too!

See her paw? Its no mistake at all that it happens to be on one of the needles...

So today we took a trip up to Santa Fe for the day. I didn't realize it until we got there that Debbie had never been to Yarn & Coffee yet. We had a Yarn & Coffee Virgin! Oh, how fun it is to introduce new people to that yarn shoppe. We started the day by meeting Allison Jones-Lo at Mucho Gusto where we all had lunch and got to know each other a bit. She is an extremely talented crocheter and lace maker. By lace maker I mean tatted lace. That's amazing stuff folks. Once we were done at Mucho Gusto we wandered on over to Kakawa Chocolate House for a cup of chocolate as dessert. I was so excited to meet Alma at Kakawa! She is Amor's daughter and as soon as we arrived I asked if she was there so we could meet her. She was cute as a button and a spitting image of her Mom. Amor, you done good, girl. After Kakawa we headed to the Holy Grail of knitting stores in Santa Fe, Yarn & Coffee! Here's Debbie outside of Y & C....

And that vest she's wearing? Yup. She made it. Debbie is an extremely talented knitter. And this is Allison...

That tiny this she is working on is tatted lace. I don't understand it at all but I can tell you its beautiful. I couldn't help but to take this picture. Look at Allison's shirt. Then look at the upholstery on that chair. It was as if it was planned! We did some serious damage today. Here's a pic of everything we purchased today on one of their sofas there...

Now granted, there were six of us shopping but we did pretty good! I was looking for something in particular to knit this with. I only needed one skein of something and I searched long and hard before I made my decision. The reason I had to buy something new was because everything in my stash is in pairs so I have enough to do the size shawls I want to make. I didn't have a single skein of anything. So I was required to shop. This is what I chose...

Its a skein of Dream In Color Everlasting Sock in the colorway Naked Shame. I loved the name! Not to mention the color...I LOVE this color and cant wait to put it into a cake and start to work with and see the variations of color in the skein to come to life. And Mom got me this...

 Its one of Wooly Wonka's Transitional Skein Sets! The colorway is Into The Woods. Each of these small skeins is 100 yds for a total of 400 yds. I really, really would like to design something small using these! Next to all the packages of Transitional Sets was one of Stephen Wests Boneyard Shawls knit in a set like this...size 8 needles and it actually ended up a decent size shawl. Whatever I'll be doing I'll be doing it on size 8's. I see a small crescent shaped shawl in these colors....I'll have to work on the rest. Don't you just love them?! 

Here's Mom and Debbie relaxing after hitting the credit card pretty hard...and also Auntie Betty a very happy lady...

I had been hoping to get a good start on the Ferryn border before the baby yarn showed up and I was lucky enough to get more done on it than I thought I would. Here's how it looks now...

I was surprised at how well it showed up against the carpet of the same color! Audrey loves it too!

 So I'm going to break from Ferryn for about a week, long enough to get baby sweater #2 done. Then I will come back and finish this. I might start baby sweater #3 in there somewhere too, I'm not sure yet. It'll depend on the date. I'd like to have Ferryn released by May 1st or sooner. I'll be sure to keep you all posted. I appreciate your support with it and I also appreciate it if you've joined my Ravelry Group!

Last month I wrote a post titled The Generosity of Knitters and in that post was a picture of the catnip plant that Venetia gave us for Miss Audrey Grace. Now, that plant looks like this...

Absolutely flourishing! I couldn't believe it when I saw it yesterday. And Audrey loves to eat it up just like kitty salad. I don't know if its the catnip or that Miss Audrey has now been with us long enough to let go of some of her reservations but she has discovered that our working projects are connected to...ahem...balls of yarn. Whoopee!!!! Mom and I have had to rescue several lately and now we have to make sure that whatever is in our yarn bowl is covered and that little ball cannot be gotten to. Bless her little heart...

Hope all is well with everyone and you are all knitting along on whatever it is you are working on. I'd love to know what you're working on. Leave me some comments and let me know! I'll see you back here soon. Until then....Knit On!


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