A Girl, a Smile, and Her New Sweater ...

 Winter has hit. Period. As we left Stitch Group, which was at Melanie's tonight, we stepped outside and were hit by a blast of freezing cold 18 degree air. Brrrrrr. I am so glad I finished my fingerless mitts in time for winter! We got home and immediately turned on the fireplace, changed into warm sweats and sat down for some more knitting and a couple of our evening shows. Even Kona wanted to cuddle up and stay warm...

 But before I got to heavily involved in my knitting or our shows, I just had to write about this evening and Savannah...

Savannah's smile is infectious. She has the kind of smile you'll recognize in 20 years. And the camera loves her...or maybe its the other way around? Every time you want to take her picture she flashes that smile of hers that is so wonderful that if you're the one taking the picture, you feel like you just got a special gift. She was wearing a lime green bow in her hair when she arrived to Stitch Group this evening. Unbeknownst to her I had wrapped her sweater up and polished it off with a lime green ribbon. She loved the ribbon enough to have it added to the one that was already in her hair! When I asked if I could take her picture in her new sweater, she sat up straight, looked directly at me and...

  Pattern is Sweet Peasy by Heidi Kirrmaier. Knit with Knit Picks Swish DK on US size 6

Isn't she a cutie?! I love this kid. Here is a closeup of the lace detail and the buttons on the front...

I love this little sweater and would definitely make it again. (I would also highly recommend it for anyone making making a sweater for the first time. Its a perfect blend of sweetness, lace and teaching material all rolled up into one fabulous project). I'm so glad it's finally exactly where its supposed to be. Everything I went through while making it, the mistakes I made and the lessons I learned were all that much more worthwhile in the end. Turns out I was the one who received the gift tonight. I got one of those fantastic smiles!


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