And The Celebration Continues...

Three days ago was my parents actual anniversary date so there was more celebrating to do. We went out to dinner then came back to the house for, sigh, more cake and some special wine Mom had been holding onto for some time. She had a split of Anasazi Fields Nopalita wine she was saving to open on their 50th. Nopalita is make from prickly pear cactus, has a glorious pink color and is a bit sweet...

 Mom and Betty tried to convince Jim Fish, Anasazi's owner and vintner, to bottle it all up and sell it as a dessert wine the moment he shared it with us. But alas, he didn't. He put it back in the tanks to dry it out some more and it was completely ruined. We were pretty sure we had the only remaining Nopalita left from the original batch. We opened it up and split it between the four of us and enjoyed it tremendously. Enough so as we took pictures to email and share with Jim Fish...

Its also been cookie central around here lately. We saved almost all the baking until right at the last moment. There were about 5 dozen white chocolate macadamia nut cookies made, 4 dozen chocolate chip, and about 10-12 dozen of our family recipe for cookie cutter cookies made with nutmeg...

  It isn't Christmas around here until those are made and frosted...

The pantry room looks like this....cookies everywhere including the ones people are giving us...

I love this time on Christmas Eve. All is quiet with the exception of some Christmas carols playing on low. My parents have gone to church and I am the only one here now, taking in the tree and all its beauty and glory and this special time that is mine and mine alone. Its precious time...

I hope you all have a chance to have some quiet time this evening, what there is left of it. I hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow celebrating whatever belief system you follow, and you enjoy the time with your family and friends and those who are important to you in your life. It really is a season of celebration...celebrating our family and friends, celebrating our individual faiths, celebrating each other and all the good that is left in the world. 

And as far as your knitting is concerned, either you'll wrap up those gifts with needles attached or there's always next year! I am happy to report that all mine got finished for this year but only because half of them lingered from last year!

Have a wonderful, peaceful and Happy Christmas!


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